About Your Massage
Each session is truly tailored to how you are experiencing your body in that moment and often no two sessions are the same. It is collaborative, intuitive, grounded, and pulls from a wide variety of modalities and approaches.
We will begin each session by discussing what you are noticing in your body and any goals you have for the session and/or long-term. We’ll talk through your health history, potentially do range of motion assessments, and chat about your experiences with bodywork. Together, we will create together a plan for the massage so there aren’t any surprises and I will emphasize then what I am going to emphasize here: this time is completely yours and if anything ever feels not quite right in your body, you have full license to let me know. It will never negatively impact our session in any way to change approach, focus, or anything else that comes to the fore. I also do not believe in treating pain with more pain and ask that we work together to set a safe, supportive pace that will help your body unwind and release patterns that may be contributing to your pain.
My work combines myofascial, neuromuscular, and passive and active movement techniques to tune into and attend to the signals your body is giving—cues of ease and patterns to gently unravel. I will at various times work dry, through the sheet, and with 100% sunflower oil; if you are allergic, I have an alternative available. I will only uncover the area we are working in and keep genitals, chest, and gluteal cleft covered at all times. If we are doing intra-oral or occular massage near the eye itself, I will be gloved. I build-in extra time to each session to have our full hands-on time in addition to a short debrief after to check-in about what we found, some ideas for at-home self-care to extend the effects of the massage, and any other questions that may have arisen.
About Molly